Recovering from the holiday blues

11 Aug 2016 Chris James   Health and wellbeing

One of the worst things about summer holidays is the inevitable glum feeling when they come to an end. Whilst it's only natural to feel a little sad when your holiday comes to an end, it's important that you don't let the holiday blues consume you. Unfortunately, there's not much we can do to ensure that you don't return to a grey UK skyline, but we do have a few tips to make sure that your post holiday blues aren't too bad…

Beating jet lag

Your body clock isn't as easy to reset as your watch. Whilst jet lag is unavoidable, you can minimise the effects that it has on your body. The moment you step on the plane set your watch to the time of your destination to give yourself a few extra hours to adapt. If it's late back home but still light in your current destination, put the sleep mask on and try to get some sleep anyway. Your body will thank you for it later. Generally speaking, your body clock should normalise at one time zone per day, so try to give it as much of a kick-start as possible.

Look after yourself

Let's face it, a holiday is generally a time to relax and unwind. More often than not, we all go a little overboard when it comes to the unwinding! Chances are that you've had a few too many glasses of wine or indulged in a few rich dinners over the course of your holiday, that's what vacations are for! However, when you return home, it's important that you get back into healthier habits. Whilst you might not enjoy the initial thought of going for that first post holiday run, you'll feel refreshed by it, we promise!

Avoid the rut

Many people find that a holiday is the one thing they look forward to most throughout the year, but this shouldn't be the case. Find other things to look forward to, explore new hobbies and make sure you have a schedule that motivates you and keeps you happy. If you feel genuinely anxious or depressed about returning to your day-to-day life, you should speak to a medical professional about the possibilities of depression and anxiety.

If you're struggling to get over your holiday blues, get in touch today.

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