Family doctor series.About a quarter of all couples will experience an unexpected delay in achieving the size of family they want and most of these will consult their GR This delay can also lead to intense emotional and psychological distress which can disrupt a couple's relationship with each other and with friends family and work colleagues. The aim of this book is to help you to understand more about getting pregnant why you may not have been successful so far the investigations and tests that may be needed to establish the cause and the infertility treatments available to you.Dr David Cahill is a Consultant Senior Lecturer in Obstetrics and Gynaecology in Bristol specialising in reproductive medicine and infertility from investigation through to IVF treatment. A graduate of Cork University he trained in Ireland and moved to Bristol to complete his specialist training.Mr. Peter Wardle is a Consultant Gynaecologist at Southmead Hospital Bristol. He has over 15 years' experience as a specialist in reproductive medicine and infertility. He is an inspector for the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority and a former Honorary Secretary of the British Fertility Society.Dr. Tony Smith: Family Doctor Publications' Medical Editor-in-Chief was for many years Deputy Editor of the British Medical Journal and continues to work as an Associate Editor. He is the Medical Editor of both the Complete Family Health Encyclopaedia and the Family Home Adviser.We regret the author(s) are unable to enter into correspondence with readers.The British Medical Association (BMA): The British Medical Association is the professional body that looks after doctors' interests speaks on their behalf and keeps their scientific knowledge up to date through meetings and publications.
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