Johnson's Cotton Buds 200Johnsons

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Johnson's Baby Cotton Buds are made from 100% pure cotton.

Pure cotton is naturally absorbent and gentle.

200 buds

Best for Baby

Gently cleans and dries in between baby's fingers, toes and around the eyes, nose or outer ear. It can also be used to apply cream to blemishes.

Best for you

Ideal for applying and removing make-up and cleaning around the eyes and outer ear.


Best for Baby

Gently cleans and dries in between baby's fingers, toes and around the eyes, nose or outer ear. It can also be used to apply cream to blemishes.

Best for you

Ideal for applying and removing make-up and cleaning around the eyes and outer ear.

How to use

Best for baby: Gently cleans and dries in between baby’s fingers toes and around the eyes nose and outer ear. It can also be used to apply cream to blemishes

Best for you: Ideal for applying and removing make up and cleaning around the eyes and outer ear


100% pure cotton


Keep our of children’s reach. Improper use can cause injury

If you are unsure about your health condition always speak to a medical professional. All content on this website is for information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always read the label prior to using any product.

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