Tui Cooling & Soothing Balme cools refreshes and soothes specific areas of the skin especially after sports and outdoor activities.Easy to apply it is commonly used by health professionals such as massage therapists for spot-work during massage and other bodywork.It conditions moisturises hydrates and softens the skin.Does not contain preservatives emulsifiers colouring agents stabilisers parabins or chemical additives. All ingredients used are either whole substances occurring in nature or are directly extracted from a whole natural source.
Do not apply to broken skin.Not recommended during pregnancy.External use only.
Olive Oil Beeswax Menthol Arnica Oil Hypericum Essential Oils of Yarrow & Chamomile Vitamin E.
If you are unsure about your health condition always speak to a medical professional. All content on this website is for information purposes only and should not be taken as professional medical advice. Always read the label prior to using any product.